What's the Best Way to Add 1000 New Fans???

Is there a difference between adding 1000 fans through spam-like tricks, and authentically attracting and connecting, with 1000 genuine prospects?

We believe there is.

(scroll down for survey)

I'd rather have 100 genuine fans than 10,000 empty connections with folks who do not know who I am and who will never be interested in what I'm offering.

So... what's the best way to add 1000 new, genuinely interested prospects?

We'd like to get your thoughts on that!

As you can see on the right - we've just set up a fresh page for the Social Media Profit School. As promised, we'll compile the results of this survey below, test what ranks high on the scale of feasibility and report the results here to you.

If you're a Social Media guru, we'll only trumpet your idea if it's really a winner.

This is a great way to share in mentoring the Social Media Profit School Interns, and start to build a name as one of the SM Guru with ideas that really work for Attracting an Authentic Tribe that Buys!



PS - If you know you need a social media presence and a strategy for attracting clients, then send me an email, or connect with me through the social media profiles I've listed below. We've got entire done for you packages that include a comprehensive strategy session, integration with your blog and CRM lead capture form, and a host of other neat tricks that would take you hours and hours to figure out on your own. Contact me today!

Craig Filek
Social Media Profit School
Read Blog: Social Media Profit School Blog
Email Me: Craig(at)SocialMediaProfitSchool
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/SocialMediaProfitSchool
Twitter: www.twitter.com/SMProfitSchool

Serial Marketing Entrepreneur - Bob Britton - talks about his Social Media Launch Experience

How to Attract Clients Who REALLY Love You & Can't Wait To Work With You!

The reality is, people buy from people, not businesses. With the rise of Social Media, clients demand, and are being met with, greater and deeper authenticity.

Sharing your authenticity is particularly important if you are a service provider, professional or solo-preneur. People are ultimately buying YOU, whether they know this or not. Therefore, it's up to YOU to share your personality and lifestyle and genuine thoughts and feelings in a way that attracts a tribe of prospects and business partners who are really into YOU, and who are also interested in your expertise and the experience of working with you - whatever results you may be promising.

Ultimately, your integrity will shine through. All the marketing promises in the world can't overcome the truth of who you are in your core. If you are honest, then failure to deliver as promised once in a while will be forgiven and trust will be deepened by your accountability and earnest desire to make things right for your clients. This will spread positive word of mouth, and Social Media will work for you.

Traditional (1.0) websites and marketing are like billboards or television at best. You're broadcasting. You're not interacting. In the 21st Century, your clients want to see you, get a feel for you, get a sense of what matters to you and what you put first in your life. This isn't something most marketers put in their ads.

The best way to really share who you are is to share snipits of your thoughts and even pics, audio and video clips that showcase not only what you know, but who you are. So sure, post your killer glamour shots, post your interview on TV and on stage at seminars, post your articles and expert blog posts. All that is great stuff. AND... if you really want to connect with your Tribe, and attract like-minded prospects who love you and WANT to do business with you, follow some of these suggestions:

  1. Post pictures & vids of you with the kids getting ice cream, you and your friends having fun doing something that really reflects what you're passionate about, interested in and committed to.
  2. Post questions that you are genuinely curious about and interact with the folks who care enough about you and what you're saying to respond. Don't leave em hanging
  3. Make interesting comments on other people's posts and let them know you're a human being and you care about them, too!
These are just a few ways to authentically connect with the prospects and business partners that will help you take your business and your life to the next level this year.

If you're using them or if you try them out, show some love and post some feedback so everyone else can see how well they work!



PS - If you know you need a social media presence and a strategy for attracting clients, then send me an email, or connect with me through the social media profiles I've listed below. We've got entire done for you packages that include a comprehensive strategy session, integration with your blog and CRM lead capture form, and a host of other neat tricks that would take you hours and hours to figure out on your own. Contact me today!

Craig Filek
Social Media Profit School
Read Blog: Social Media Profit School Blog
Email Me: Craig(at)SocialMediaProfitSchool
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/SocialMediaProfitSchool
Twitter: www.twitter.com/SMProfitSchool

How Is Free Social Media Marketing Costing You Big Time???

To be an effective marketer, you must know what your ROI (return on investment) is for every dollar you spend.

Even though it's essentially free to market your services on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites, this principle of measuring your results is just as important as when you're spending thousands on a mailing or radio campaign.

Just think of all the time you can waste without getting any work done, and without making a dime from all your thousands of followers and fans. That's not acceptable if you want to be a success.

There are a lot of social media "experts" out there and they all claim to have "THE" answer, the Holy Grail of social media success. A lot of them have some really good stuff, and you should try out as much of it as you can in a focused, scientific way if you really want to become successful (and be able to justify your time) on Twitter, Facebook, et al...

Whether you're seeking fame, fortune or fun... the bottom line is the same: Results Count!

Here at the Social Media Profit School, we've got our own ideas about what works when it comes to social media profits. Most of the ideas we base our services on come not from the latest fads and fashionable expert advice out there.

Rather, our ideas are rooted firmly in the principles of direct-respnse marketing, and we apply these ideas on Facebook and Twitter. We test the ideas to see what actually flies, then we apply what works for our clients.

Our strategy breaks down in to three simple steps:

1.) Follow and study what the best marketers are doing on their social media channels - both traditional marketers, and also social media experts.

2.) Test EVERYTHING - including the basic strategies of the lead generation funnel, the newest technology & integration strategies (including iPhone integration), even the subtle nuances of how the best marketers word their offers so they feel authentic, not like a used car salesman manages your page.

3.) Apply the strategies that work for our clients and make sure the innovations actually work with each individual client.

Without testing and measuring what works in YOUR business, even the top social media experts can lead you astray. All that "Free" marketing exposure you thought was gonna balloon your business this year ends up costing you big time.

So, before you go investing another dime in online courses and seminars, do yourself a favor...

Ask yourself whether the best use of your time is spent studying & testing & tweaking & testing some more, or if you should just stay focused on doing what you're best at, and leave the social media marketing to the ones who know what to do, how to do it, and how to test for improvements so you know you're getting the best possible online strategy for your money.



PS - If you know you need a social media presence and a strategy for attracting clients, then send me an email, or connect with me through the social media profiles I've listed below. We've got entire done for you packages that include a comprehensive strategy session, integration with your blog and CRM lead capture form, and a host of other neat tricks that would take you hours and hours to figure out on your own. Contact me today!

Craig Filek
Social Media Profit School
Read Blog: Social Media Profit School Blog
Email Me: Craig(at)SocialMediaProfitSchool
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/SocialMediaProfitSchool
Twitter: www.twitter.com/SMProfitSchool