July 8th
This article opened my eyes to a vision of the social web as it is emerging beyond our wildest dreams.
Mark Joyner, one of the internet marketing game's first big success stories, and a navy seal or something crazy like that... he wrote about the history of communication technology, and how it is accelerating at an exponential rate. Think about it historically... how long between innovations:
From hand transcription by emasculated monks to biblical liberation with the Guttenberg press
From foot travel to Pony Express, Rail-Road and Steamship
From telegraph and radio to telephone and television
From telefax to email
From print journalism and publishing cartels to blogging and self-publishing
And where does it all culminate? Where does the speed, freedom and reach we now have to communicate with our networks lead us to as a species?
To total choice about the media that we subscribe to.
We are no longer relegated to the 15 women's magazines on the shelf at the grocery check-out aisle, or the 718 channels of garbage that vandalize our home of the soul that resides within.
We can subscribe to anyone we want and receive our media anyway we want... as long as they're offering it.
So, if you've got something important to say... a mission in the world... something you feel called to broadcast to a wide range of people, but mostly those who can hear you and value what you're saying... then let's talk - you need a social media presence and a way to communicate with your networks that is:
1.) Simple - as easy as using email or even your phone
2.) Regular & Convenient - it has to fit into your daily life like any other intimate relationship... but not take it over. Like a cat - there for you when you want to play, but not demanding like a puppy or a
3.) Fun - Social media is a marketplace. It's like travelling to Bangladesh and meeting the merchants in the streets. It's the way business has been done for thousands of years. We had a brief hick-up there where the corporotocracy nearly got a handle on us, but our natural social artifacts are developing so rapidly, we can all but circumvent the non-sense of the politcal agendas that try to trip us up in this game of life.
That's it. You need a cockpit with some read-outs that display information that is relevant and interesting to you in a timely way, and you need a means of broadcasting YOUR message to your tribe in a way they can all hear and read you.
That's what I do - I set that up for you, and I make sure you're enjoying your experience. And that it pays off for you psychically as well as fiscally.
Email me to learn more: craig at craigfilek.com
PS - If you know you need a social media presence and a strategy for attracting clients, then send me an email, or connect with me through the social media profiles I've listed below. We've got entire done for you packages that include a comprehensive strategy session, integration with your blog and CRM lead capture form, and a host of other neat tricks that would take you hours and hours to figure out on your own. Contact me today!
Craig Filek
Your Social Media Maverick
Read Blog: Social Media Maverick Blog
Email Me: CraigFilek(at)gmail
Facebook Me: http://profile.to/craigfilek/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CraigFilek
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/craigfilek